Our Purpose

We create strategic value through your security environment—delivering increased trust, stakeholder protection, and business alignment.

What IS

The Business
of Security

What does CSA’s tagline, The Business of Security™ mean? You could interpret this as ‘CSA is in the business of security’, and while that is accurate, the more important meaning is how CSA assists their clients to develop a business oriented approach, identifying and focusing on needed Security services and enhancements that mitigate risk and also demonstrably contribute to the corporation’s business strategy or bottom line, or both.

Executive leaders often think of Security as an operational necessity, like snow removal, landscaping, or food service. These services incur expense but don’t necessarily contribute to the organization’s business outcomes. From this perspective, every dollar spent on Security is a dollar not available to advance the business goals. Companies therefore often seek base level Security at minimal cost, with no thought of business value and no further investment in the function.

CSA addresses this approach to Security by interacting with senior business leaders, identifying and recommending investment in security mitigation strategies that align with corporate culture and contribute to the companies’ overall business goals. In an iterative process, we develop multiple proposal variations with Security leadership and executive officers, seeking to balance the business needs and risk mitigation with a multi-year security business plan that is financially sound and that executive leadership supports.




Program Review and Assessment
Like a property survey determines the existing terrain, structures, and boundaries of the lot your building will be constructed on, CSA's Program Review and Assessment appraises security risks, programs, resources, and performance to evaluate strengths and opportunities to  map the setting for your security organization.

Strategic Roadmap Development
Next, there’s consideration of local regulations, financing, and choosing the right builder for your structure. CSA’s Strategic Roadmap determines your security vision, strategy, mission and key milestones which align with the overall organizational strategy. This upfront development is where the construction process really begins.


Business Planning
Blueprints and specifications help bring a construction project to life. CSA creates detailed planning documentation including business cases, long-term financial and budget determinations, organizational design, implementation plans and timelines—all blueprints for your security organization’s design.

Documentation Support
We create detailed specifications, policies and procedures, so the team is built in a way that makes sense for your organization.


Recruiting and Coaching
Hiring skilled and experienced tradesmen that will build to the specifications is crucial. We present the best security leaders to an organization and its executives to help them understand the caliber of individuals they expect to run and build a strong foundation for a security program.

Program Implementation
After the rough framing is complete, the work shifts to the finishing touches. CSA builds optimized corporate security programs that maximize business value, enhance your organizational efficiency and effectiveness, meet duty of care obligations, and comply with relevant regulations. We offer tiered implementation specific support tailored to your needs, ranging from interim Chief Security Officer to a full Virtual Security Team™.

CSA Building Process

How CSA partners with you


We earn your trust and improve your organization’s security environment through reliability, professionalism, honesty and integrity


We share our security expertise to enhance protection of your business and stakeholders and elevate your security organization’s strategic value

the inside of a building with a glass roof


We leverage our years of practical experience and strong commitment to continuous learning to drive transformation of your security capabilities


We are true partners, working collaboratively with you and your team to achieve your goals and organizational outcomes

The Challenge

Developing and sustaining an effective security environment in a modern, complex and dynamic environment where availability of resources is a constant consideration

Our Values

We bring security expertise and real world leadership with a collaborative approach. We develop strategic plans to build out corporate security teams and  programs customized to your needs.

The Result

We optimize corporate security programs that maximize business value. We partner with you to enhance your organizational efficiency and effectiveness, meet duty of care obligations and comply with relevant regulations.