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Corporate Security Advisors
Published on
December 6, 2023

What Is a Strategic Roadmap?

The CSA Strategic Roadmap is a detailed, actionable plan defining a Security Department’s vision, mission, and strategy, and how these align with the overall organizational strategy and business goals. The Roadmap also determines the key milestones, resources including financial planning, and timeframes required to achieve the objectives defined in the Security Department strategy.

It is often the next step following a completed CSA Program Review. The completed Strategic Roadmap enables the Security Department to present a multi-year business plan to senior leadership for approval and funding. The Roadmap provides a comprehensive and integrated plan for all aspects of the Security department, from organizational design, to technology and systems, to necessary skills and talent.

CSA Security Strategy Components

The Strategy Design outlines the desired future-state vision, mission, objectives, and initiatives. Strategy design focuses on People, Process, and Technology to support a cost efficient, scalable, and sustainable Security organization. The Governance Framework establishes the strategic direction, defines the drivers which determine the governance requirements, and determines the roles, responsibilities, authorities, and decision making flow at the enterprise and business unit levels.

Why do I need a Strategic Roadmap?

As many Security department heads might tell you, determining how to realize the desired improvements to your corporation’s security isn’t a simple undertaking. You often can’t get the necessary support or identify the resources required without a comprehensive, organizationally focused plan. To reach your goal, it is often best to have a guide who can determine and explain the costs involved; the governance, time, and resource requirements; and the pitfalls along the way to your goal.

I'd like to improve Security in our organization, but I can't get the funding.
It's true, at least in a corporate environment, that you can't spend what you don't have. If you've tried to make a case for Security improvements without success in the past, you may need to change your area of focus. If you haven't guessed by now, that's not usually just improved Security. Your approach should be a business proposal that is focused on corporate goals as well as security improvements. Present how the proposed Security improvements support those goals, provide a detailed timeline and cost / savings analysis, and include plans to educate personnel about the improvements, and you'll have a much better chance of having your proposal supported by senior leadership. The first step is understanding your organization's business strategy and how security aligns and supports it. The second step is designing a strategy and business plan that speaks to the business value of security.

Why Should You Choose CSA?

Depth of Experience

CSA staff members have an average of 28 years of strategic security experience.

Our many areas of expertise include Security Assessment, Strategic Roadmap development, Risk and Risk Tolerance determination, Program Review, Governance, Business Planning, Executive Recruiting and Coaching, Crisis Management and Business Continuity Program Development, Security Policies and Procedures, and Program Implementation.

Our Values

We earn your trust and improve your organization’s security environment through reliability, professionalism, and honesty.

We leverage our years of practical experience and strong commitment to continuous learning to drive transformation of your security capabilities.

We are true partners, working collaboratively with you and your team to achieve your goals.

We share our security expertise to enhance protection of your business and stakeholders and elevate your security organization’s strategic value.

Our Success Rate

To date, CSA has helped every one of their Security clients develop a Roadmap and gain approval and funding for their department projects.

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